Terms and Conditions

High Points reserves the right to cancel a trip due to weather or other hazard that could make the area unsafe.

If you are unable to go on the trip, you are welcome to find a replacement for yourself.  Please understand that once you’ve signed up, we lose the right to sell your reserved space to other individuals or groups.  Therefore, we regret that we cannot make exceptions for personal emergencies.

Trip participants have the responsibility to select a trip appropriate to their abilities and interests. We are happy to discuss the trip with you if you have any questions or concerns. Trip participants are held responsible for being in sufficient good health to undertake the trip. Participants are also responsible for all pre-departure information; for bringing the appropriate clothing and equipment as detailed therein and, for acting in a manner considerate of fellow group members.

Any person who is diabetic, epileptic, or asthmatic or has a history of heart trouble, is allergic to bee/scorpion stings or takes daily prescription drugs should convey this information and inform a member of High Points. Trip participants will also alert their guide(s) of any medical history that could become a problem on the trip. People with a history of heart trouble, pregnant women or any other potentially serious medical condition should consult their doctor before coming on a trip and notify their guide before the event.